Social Enterprise


When it comes to financing your organization, social enterprise can be a more stable alternative than only relying on grants and fundraising.



Here are some of our favourite references.

Strategy Made Simple


Strategy Made Simple is a small social business based out of Winnipeg that helps social enterprises be sustainable and create more social good through coaching, workshops, and social connection. FMM has had the pleasure to work with Matthew Rempel from Strategy Made Simple, and without his coaching the Food Action Hub would not be what it is today! 


Matthew has made available many great resources such as a blog articlesvideos, and a podcast where he discusses the ins and outs of social enterprise with people who have been working in the field for decades (listen on iTunes or Stitcher). Make sure to check out his website and remember that there are always grants available for your organization to afford the long-lasting impact services that Strategy Made Simple offers.

The Canadian Community Economic Development (CED) Network


The Canadian CED Network is an incredible resource for anyone looking to be involved in social entreprise. Becoming a member of the network will directly connect you to thousands of other people with similar goals across the country. The website of the Canadian CED Network is also filled with toolsresources and social enterprise success stories to help you figure out how to approach this financing method with your own organization.

Check out the YouTube channel of the Canadian CED Network for many more video resources.

Strategy Made Simple. Matthew Rempel. (2020). Retrieved on August 5, 2020 from

Canadian CED Network. (2020). Retrieved on August 5, 2020 from 

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