Research & consultation

Everybody Eats in Manitoba

Multi-sector collaboration on policy and planning

Inspired by the Everybody Eats project first created by Food First, NL – our version of Everybody Eats seeks to engage public and private sector leaders to take collective action to address critical food security issues in Manitoba.

We’ve got a few irons in the fire. More details coming soon!

Here’s where we’re aiming…

Equipped with the best available data, policy analysis, and a network of support, local change agents contribute to equity and sustainability in the food system. Food security is enhanced by informed public policies, comprehensive food security strategies and innovative, community developed programs that are shown to work.

Food Matters Manitoba has been a leader in conducting community food assessments and mobilizing urban, rural, and northern communities in local planning, data collection, and asset mapping.

Our partnerships with leading nutrition and food security research institutions have produced novel research on food environments, newcomer nutrition, sustainable food systems, and food policy.

Everybody Eats is built on 3 pillars of success:

Learning opportunities that challenge policy makers, service providers, community groups and youth create and deepen awareness about the root causes of food insecurity. 

A series of videos, Food Insecurity in Manitoba, is an example of the tools we have developed for community education.

Working with organizations and individuals throughout the province we are able to conduct policy scans, collate existing research, and commission research and analysis. Background papers, reports and briefings provide timely information for political leaders, industry and community organizations.

Food Matters has identified where there is capacity and readiness to work together and incubate the development and growth of initiatives.

Through our initiation and support the cities of Winnipeg and Brandon have both established Food Councils resulting in 800,000 Manitobans benefitting from a local Food Council.

While we have agencies that provide critical front line services on issues, it is vastly important to have a council that is looking at the big picture of food security and sustainability in our community. 

- Executive Staff, Brandon United Way

Banner Photo credit  unsplash-logoGlen Carrie