Community Food Assessments

Community Food Assesments are crucial for food secure community planning.

Conducting community food assessments allows us to gather data about local food systems and map local food assets in order to better understand how food secure a community is and to easily identify where the needs and gaps are.

Depending on the size of the community, it may be essential (as well as a great opportunity for collaboration) for various organizations to work together and share knowledge, experience, and network in order to have a better result. A community food assessment can be as simple or thorough as you need it to be.

Community food assessments can instigate change.

Throughout the years, FMM partnered with several organizations to conduct community food assessments that informed the development of provincial and municipal policy alternatives and lead to the establishment of both the Brandon and Winnipeg Food Policy Councils.



The downloadable PDFs below are reports from the Brandon community food assessment which lead to the creation of the Brandon Food Policy Council. Reading through these reports can be helpful in figuring out whether your community and/or organization could benefit from a community food assessment in your area.

First Phase of Brandon Food Assessment: Brandon Food Café Report 2013

Completed Brandon Food Assessment with Recommendations: Brandon Community Food Assessment 2015


Want some help conducting a food assessment in your community?   Contact us

Want to know more about the work that the Brandon Food Policy Council does?   Click Here

Want to know more about the work that the Winnipeg Food Policy Council does?   Click Here

© Copyright. Food Matters Manitoba. 2021. All rights reserved. The content of this post may be used for educational purposes without written permission. For other uses, please write to and request a Copyright Request Form.

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