Handy Handouts: Dial-A-Dietitian and Registered Dietitian Listings

When facilitating nutrition education and food skills workshops, participants usually ask lots of questions specifically related to their personal diet and health.


It’s important to direct them to Registered Dietitians (RDs) as they are the health care practitioners who should address those concerns. 

The downloadable PDFs below are handouts with the Dial-A-Dietitian  phone number and a listing of accessible or free RD counselling. 

Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority Dial-a-D and RDs Handout

Northern Manitoba Health Dial-a-D and RDs Handout

Prairie Mountain Health Dial-a-D and RDs Handout

Southern Health Dial-a-D and RDs Handout

WRHA Dial-a-D and RDs Handout

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