Harvesters in Norway House travel around the area to a few different lakes and rivers, including Molson Lake, Hairy Lake, Hayes River, and the Icimamis River. Over 100 different youth have joined our partner harvesters on trips, where they practice fishing, trapping, snaring, and hunting skills. Youth are engaged in Cree language teachings while out hunting, get to bring food back to their families, and share with elders in the community.
We send soil and seeds to our partners in Norway House to cultivate annual vegetable crops and berry plants at their local community garden club. Some of our partners also work with the school to plant directly on the school grounds with the help of students.
During the summer months we support elders and community members to collect water and land-based medicines in the areas around Kinosao Sipi. We also support the Sundance committee through infrastructure and honoraria.
We helped provide building supplies to furnish Norway House’s Culture Camp with additional cabins and Norway House’s Fishing Camp with a bush garden.