Land Acknowledgements and Taking Meaningful Steps Towards Reconciliation

Land acknowledgements can teach about Canada’s colonial history and allow for reflection on how the consequences of that history affect everyone’s lives to this day. 

Want help to create meaningful land acknowledgement? This link will bring you to Native Land Digital‘s guide to territory acknowledgement along with many other helpful resources. 

Want to help advance reconciliation?

Here are some essential resources.

The 2007 United Nation Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)


The 2015 Final Report from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC):


94 Calls to Action

Visit the websites of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) to freely access an extensive collection of reports, statements, videos, and archives. 

To get you started, we recommend watching these short videos (search the file numbers on the NCTR website):

Murray Sinclair on Reconciliation, file number MDO105

Honourary Witnesses on Moving Forward, file number MDAB652

As stated above, the Final Report of the TRC and the 94 Calls to Action were released in 2015. 

Want to know if progress was made? Visit CBC‘s Beyond 94.

Follow this link to read about the colonial history of Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s drinking water. To learn more about the people of Shoal Lake 40 First Nation and Winnipeg’s aqueduct:

Watch the documentary series Freedom Road. Access it for free here

Read Aqueduct from Adele Perry. More details on the book here.

Professional development opportunities

We highly recommend the Indigenous leadership programs from the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.  Remember that grants are available to help make the programs more affordable.

Click here to attend a series of free webinars from Unama’ki College and the Community Sector Council of Nova Scotia titled Decolonization Learning Journey

Want a free template to help identify Calls to Actions related to your organization’s work? Click here

Want resources about race and food insecurity? Click here


Did we forget important resources on the subject matter? Please let us know!

Native Land Digital. (2020). Retrieved on August 11, 2020 from 

United Nations. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. (2007). Retrieved on August 11, 2020 from 

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (2015). Retrieved on August 11, 2020 from 

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. (2020). Retrieved on August 11, 2020 from 

CBC. Beyond 94. (2020). Retrieved on August 11, 2020 from 

Shoal Lake 40 First Nation. (2020). Retrieved on August 11, 2020 from 

National Film Board of Canada. Freedom Road. (2019). Retrieved on August 11, 2020 from 

Anishinabek News. (2019). Retrieved on August 11, 2020 from

Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity. (2020). Retrieved on August 11, 2020 from 

Unama’ki College. Community Sector Council of Nova Scotia. (2020). Decolonization Learning Journey. Retrieved on July 29, 2020 from

© Copyright. All rights reserved. The content of this post may be used for educational purposes without written permission. For other uses, please contact the author(s) of the content.

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