Understanding Poverty in Manitoba

Make Poverty History Manitoba (MPHM)

MPHM is a multi-sector collaborative coalition committed to changing public policy to achieve a Manitoba without poverty. MPHM’s work is essential for us to better understand how poverty exists in Manitoba and how it relates to food security. 

Visit the website of Make Poverty History Manitoba to access their comprehensive reports and campaigns, and to see how you can take action to help end poverty in Manitoba. 

Visit MPHM’s YouTube channel for video resources.

The PDFs below are two great resources for those looking for a starting point in identifying ways to improve food security: 

Social Planning Council of Winnipeg

The Social Planning Council has been working towards a sustainable community that is caring, just and equitable for 100 years. This organization advocates for social justice through community-led development. 

The website of the Social Planning Council is filled with thorough publications and helpful data, which are great resources to better understand how poverty, systemic discrimination, and systemic racism are interconnected and affect social justice.


This downloadable PDF is the 2020 report from Campaign 2000 called Broken Promise Stolen Futures: Child and Family Poverty in Manitoba (can also be found on the website of the Social Planning Council) is a great resource for those looking to better understand how Manitobans experience poverty. 

Make Poverty History Manitoba. (2020). Retrieved on August 4, 2020 from http://makepovertyhistorymb.com/campaigns/winnipeg-without-poverty/

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. (2020). Retrieved on August 6, 2020 from https://www.policyalternatives.ca/offices/manitoba

Social Planning Council of Winnipeg. (2020). Retrieved on August 5, 2020 from https://spcw.mb.ca/reports-and-publications/ 

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