Northern Partnerships

Our partnerships with communities are built on respect, communication and commitment

It often takes many perspectives to see a picture clearly, as it takes a wide range of skills and experiences to tackle complex situations. A strong focus on trust-based partnerships is how we approach our work, together with those who are impacted and those who fight for change

This is how we maintain an understanding of the problems we set forth to fix and the action needed to make meaningful impact. 

We support partners with resources such as equipment and materials so that they can get out on the land to harvest (hunt, fish, trap, and gather) and feed their communities. Traditional harvesting draws on the strength, experience, knowledge, and largely unbroken traditions of Indigenous community members to drive the local food system.

This system, through harvesting locally available healthy foods, is a powerful and sustainable means of reducing food insecurity in participating communities. 

The harvester program is one of the solutions that we’ve co-developed through our northern partnerships, but it is a program of its own as it goes beyond traditional harvesting. Through the harvester program not only do we support partners with resources, we also provide them employment. 

We support elders, youth, and adult community members with resources such as equipment and materials so that they can pick and process medicine from the water and land.

We also provide our partner communities with resources such as equipment and materials so that they can organize and engage in Nipahkwesimowin (Thirstdance), Matotsan (Sweat Lodge), Pahkwekamik (Preparation Lodge), and Ascakosak Iscikewin (Night Lodge/Star Blanket Ceremony).  

We support partners with agricultural education and training, and with resources such as equipment and materials so that they can grow enough fresh produce to feed their communities. Our gardening supports connect agricultural experts and community partners that are eager to learn skills to further boost the local food system.

This system, through harvesting locally available healthy foods, is a powerful and sustainable means of reducing food insecurity in participating communities. 

We support partners with agricultural education and training, and with resources such as equipment and materials so that they can produce meat and complement their community’s diet. Our livestock supports connect agricultural experts and community partners that are eager to learn skills to further boost the local food system.

This system, through harvesting locally available healthy foods, is a powerful and sustainable means of reducing food insecurity in participating communities. 

We support partners with resources such as equipment and materials so that they can build the infrastructure required for their traditional harvesting, ceremony, and agricultural projects. This includes but isn’t limited to greenhouses, farm structures, and camps. 

Keep in mind that some of our partner communities are difficult to access. We can only provide them the resources that they need seasonally, when winter roads are in function.