Recent News

At Food and Beverage Manitoba’s sustainability conference and trade show Cultivate, Food Matters Manitoba will be presenting our community driven initiatives and collaborative efforts in Northern food insecurity. 

Food Matters Manitoba will be participating in a panel discussion with our Northern harvesters at the Victoria Inn and Conference Centre in Winnipeg on February 6. 

At Cultivate, Food Matters Manitoba will have the opportunity to engage with policy makers, learn from industry leaders and partner with businesses that share our vision on Northern food sustainability. 

Join us for this exciting opportunity to amplify our work, and discover what we do, why it’s important and our future goals. 
Purchase your early bird tickets here.

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Fostering Relationships in the North

Northern Programs Manager Myles King and Community Project Coordinator Myron Cook, travelled to Makeso Sakahikan (Fox Lake/Gillam) and O-Pipon-Na-Piwin (South Indian Lake) in July to continue fostering relationships with both communities. 

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Recent News

On February 8,  Food Matters Manitoba will present our traditional approach towards educating Indigenous youth at the Indigenous Education Gathering – hosted by The Manitoba Collaborative Indigenous Education Blueprint (MCIEB).  Food Matters Manitoba will use

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