News Releases

What we’re up to, what’s happening in food security work, plus resources to help keep the community growing.

For media inquiries:


Jill Beauchamp’s Profile Story

Harvesting connections through food: Meet Jill Beauchamp Jill generously discusses the path that took them towards working for a food secure community as well as their role and approach to increasing

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Emily Halldorson’s Profile Story

We had a chance to speak with Emily Halldorson, the Provincial Coordinator from Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO). MANSO acts as an umbrella organization for settlement service providers in the

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Dr Evelyn Forget’s Profile Story

We had the opportunity to sit down and discuss the concept of a basic income with Dr. Evelyn Forget, a Professor of Economics and Community Health Sciences at the University of

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Audrey Logan’s Profile Story

We had the opportunity to sit down with Audrey Logan and listen to some of her stories. Audrey is a Cree/Metis woman from Northern Alberta, a traditional foods teacher, and

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We support partners with agricultural education and training, and with resources such as equipment and materials so that they can produce meat and compliment their community’s diet. Our livestock supports

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Winter Roads

Some of our partner communities are more difficult to access. We provide them the resources that they need seasonally, when winter roads are in function.  The following are winter road

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Medicine and Ceremony Supports

We support elders, youth, and adult community members with equipment and materials so that they can pick and process Medicine from water and land. We also provide equipment and materials so

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